Midwifery - Sandwell

Midwifery Services for the Sandwell area.


City Hospital Dudley Road Birmingham West Midlands B18 7QH

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Telephone number

How to contact a midwife for URGENT advice

If you need to speak to a midwife urgently, please call:

Maternity Triage, City Hospital – 0121  507 4181 (open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

For all other advice

If you have a general query about any aspect of your care please contact your named community midwife. You will be given her contact details early in your pregnancy.

For general enquiries about community midwifery:  0121 507 3774

For enquiries about self-referrals: 0121 507 3675/4918 

City Hospital switchboard: 0121 554 3801

Further support can be obtained from ARC (Antenatal Results and Choices): 020 7631 0285.

City Hospital Infant Feeding Helpline: 0121 507 5703