You can start to tone up your stomach muscles as soon as you feel well enough.
Your stomach has two main muscle groups. It is important to strengthen the deep group of muscles first as this will reduce the strain on your back and pelvic floor.
Once these muscles are strong you can progress to the exercises which will strengthen your outer layer of muscles.
Following birth it is important you choose to exercise in a comfortable position, this may be sitting or lying down.
Deep Muscle exercises
1. Let your tummy relax. Breathe in gently.
2. As you breathe out, gently draw in the lower part of your stomach, squeezing your pelvic floor as well.
3. Let go.
Don’t move your back at any time, you should be able to breathe and talk while you exercise.
Repeat this movement four or five times, with a few seconds rest between each one.
Aim to increase your muscle tone gradually, holding the muscles in for a maximum of ten seconds and repeating up to ten times.
After six weeks, ensure you can do these exercises while sitting and standing.