Liquid medicines are often prescribed to children, for a variety of reasons. To make sure that you give the right dose to your child, we advise you to use an oral syringe. This is much more accurate and easy to use than a medicine spoon or cup.
1. Wash your hands.
2. Make sure your child is sitting upright.
3. Shake the bottle unless stated otherwise on the label.
4. Remove the top from the bottle and insert the bottle adapter if necessary.
5. Insert the top of the oral syringe into the bottle adapter.
6. Turn the bottle upside down and pull the plunger until the medicine reaches the volume required.
Note: Check the measurements on the syringe before giving a dose – some syringes are marked in millilitres (ml) and some in milligrams (mg).
7. Gently remove the oral syringe from the bottle adapter.
8.Put the top back on the bottle.
9. Put the tip of the oral syringe inside your child’s mouth between the gums and the inside surface of their cheek.
10.Gently push the plunger to squirt small amounts of medicine into the side of your child’s mouth.
11.Allow your child to swallow before you carry on pushing the plunger.
Note: Do not squirt the entire dose into your child’s mouth in one go – they may choke.
12. Give your child a drink to wash down the medicine.
13. When you have given the whole dose, take the syringe apart and wash the sections in warm, soapy water unless directed otherwise on the label.
Note: Only use warm soap water to wash the syringe – some cleaning fluids remove the dose markings, making the syringe unsafe to use.
14. Leave the syringe sections to dry naturally away from heat and sunlight then re-assemble the syringe ready for the next dose.
1.Wash your hands.
2.Make sure your child is sitting upright.
3.Shake the bottle unless stated otherwise on the label.
4.Carefully pour the medicine into the medicine cup or medicine spoon according to the dose on the label.
5.Give the dose to your child.
6.Give your child a drink to wash down the medicine.
7.When you have given the whole dose, wash the cup or spoon in warm, soapy water unless directed otherwise on the label.
8.Leave the cup or spoon to dry naturally away from heat and sunlight
Note: Always use the medicine cup or spoon enclosed with the bottle. Do not use a household spoon as this will not give an accurate dose, which could be unsafe.